sqlite3: bug with monotone

Achim Gratz Stromeko@NexGo.DE
Mon Jun 3 09:54:00 GMT 2013

Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at> cygwin.com> writes:
> > BTW, on the webpage with the snapshots the 'colspan="3"' should be
> > removed in the table cells for the file names.
> I'm not a web designer, so, why?

The cell with the snapshot date specifies 'colspan="4"' and the other rows
have four columns, so the intention is clearly that it should span across
the whole table.  So trying to span three non-existing columns in the
filename cells causes the date cell to span only two columns effectively and
leaves the last two columns empty (since no cell is defined for those).

If you want to test it first: In Firefox, Shift-F2 gives you a command line
where you can remove all colspan definitions via "pagemod remove attribute
colspan td".  Then use the Inspector (Ctrl-Shift-I) to re-add 'colspan="4"'
to one of the date cells.


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