May need a ghostscript maintainer

Norman Vine
Wed May 2 20:05:00 GMT 2001

Christopher Faylor writes:
>Is anyone willing to maintain this?  We need to provide an X-less
>version of ghostscript.  Norman Vine has managed to do this, so it is
>not an impossible feat:
>If someone would like to volunteer to do this, please respond to this

I just downloaded the ghostscript 7.0 source and for the heck of it
just tried the makefile linked from my page with out applying any of 
the other fixes that I mention

Lo and behold gs compiled and made pdf's of all the examples. :-))

This was on a binary mounted drive so there may be a fopen bug
lurking somewhere but ....

My question to the list is 
"Should I submit my makefile to the ghostscript maintainers
for inclusion in the main ghostscript distribution as cygwin.mak"

Then I believe to get a functional ghostscript one would only
need to unpack the tarball and do

% ln -s src/cygwin.mak
% make


Norman Vine

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