[ANN] dllhelpers-0.2.7

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Sun Aug 5 10:23:00 GMT 2001

The dllhelpers package at cygutils 
( http://www.neuro.gatech.edu/users/cwilson/cygutils/V1.1/dll-stuff/ ) 
has been updated to version 0.2.7.  This new version now demonstrates 
how to build DLLs with C, C++, or Fortran code while taking advantage of 
the new auto-import features of the recent experimental release of binutils.

It would probably be instructive to download both dllhelpers-0.2.6 AND 
dllhelpers-0.2.7 and compare the two, to understand how the recent 
"auto-import" functionality has made things much easier.

Disclaimer: dllhelpers was originally written by Mumit Khan, back in the 
days of egcs-1.1.1.  I updated it to 0.2.6 when the 'gcc -shared' option 
made its debut in August of 2000, and have again updated it to 0.2.7 in 
August of 2001 now that --enable-auto-import is available.


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