Resurrect discussion: Mixing 32 and 64 bit distro

Corinna Vinschen
Tue Feb 12 14:13:00 GMT 2013

On Feb 12 08:58, Ryan Johnson wrote:
> On 12/02/2013 8:40 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >Hi guys,
> >
> >
> >I slept a bit bad tonight.
> >[...]
> >So, I'm inclined to resurrect this discussion.  I'd like to hear your
> >point of view and why you're rating one over the other (separate
> >distro vs. mixed distro).  Personally I'm really not sure what is
> >more important, a full distro right from the start, or a clean
> >separation.
> Two thoughts:
> 1. How is this significantly different for the end user than the 1.5
> -> 1.7 migration was? That essentially required a full upgrade as
> well, with no inter-op allowed, and side-by-side installs common for
> a while. I don't know how much pain it was for the package
> maintainers to get their stuff working under 1.7 -- presumably at
> least a couple ran into issues.

The 1.5->1.7 transition did not invalidate the existing POSIX-only
binaries.  They still work today.  A few executables in our distro
have been built pre-1.7...

> I'd suggest that a few brave maintainers try creating 64-bit
> packages (mintty already seems to work), and if it goes relatively
> smoothly we forget mixing; folks whose favorite package is missing
> at first can just keep using 32-bit 1.7 until the early adopters
> have broken a path for them.
> BTW, would it make any sense to talk about having 32-bit binaries
> made for 64-bit cygwin, compiling them specially for inter-op with a
> 64-bit cygwin1.dll? Kind of how most 64-bit linux default to 32-bit
> binaries on a 64-bit kernel? There are fairly good reasons for small
> binaries operating on small datasets to stay 32-bit,

I don't understand this point.  A 64 bit binary usually doesn't take
much more space than a 32 bit binary, given that most data access,
jmps and calls are using 32 bit PC-relative instructions on 64 bit.
Also, int's are still 4 byte, so there's not a lot to do to keep
the data set about the same size as on a 32 bit target.

I also don't see how Linux 64 bit distros default to 32 bit binaries.
Of the 3067 binaries in my /usr/bin dir on x86_64 Fedora, only 3(!)
are 32 it binaries, and those have 64 bit counterparts.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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