cygthread::cygthread() hang

Joe Buehler
Wed Apr 9 12:09:00 GMT 2003

Christopher Faylor wrote:

> ?  I've never noticed this and I've debugged this function hundreds
> of times.

There's no problem setting a break at the current line, but setting
a break at file:line in the constructor before running anything
failed for me for the reason I gave.  There are actually two constructors,
"in-charge" and "not-in-charge", so the mapping from file:line to address
is not unique.

> I have made a major restructuring the code, though.  It's not working
> right now but it should be simple to fix.  I just have real world and
> real job constraints right now so I can't devote much time to it.

I found the problem -- CreateThread() is failing with error 8 -- not enough memory.
So I presume that there is a thread leak.  The continual SIGALARM while a pipe
is waiting for a long running command to return output is probably causing
a leak when read_pipe() is terminated.  I'll get to it later today.
Joe Buehler

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