System-wide mutexes and pthreads

Robert Collins
Thu Jun 13 07:22:00 GMT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Wilson [] 
> Sent: Thursday, 13 June 2002 8:02 AM

> This reminded me of something....
> Robert -- once upon a time the idea was bandied about to create a 
> "subcygwin" static library that used only native, non-cygwin calls to 
> directly access the cygwin mount table and sort of duplicate the 
> functionality of (only) these two functions from cygwin.dll:
>    cygwin_conv_to_full_win32_path
>    cygwin_conv_to_posix_path
> [I'm sure this code is already in setup.exe's codebase -- somewhere]. 

Well, something equivalent is. It's still getting worked on to be more
loosely coupled. The actual thread you are referring to was on a
different program that setup, but yes I do recall it. The goal with
setup is to produce a library that cygcheck can use to sanity check the
install, that encapsulates the program logic of setup. (i.e. package
listings, installed files, etc etc etc). This is also underway, although
I imagine that Chris will have a small hernia when I ask for cygcheck to
use the STL.

> Anyway, I lost track of what happened with this proposal.  Was it 
> decided that this was a bad idea, and that
>    setup
>    rebase
>    strace
>    cygcheck
> should all continue to duplicate cygwin-like path translation 
> independently, or did the idea just fizzle for lack of volunteers?

Fizzled... Work on setup modularisation progress nicely given the list
of TODO's. Work on the idea of a specific library (which as I mention
above, was not targeted at cygcheck or setup) for mount point
understanding fizzled.


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