some bug fixes

Fifer, Eric
Mon Feb 28 05:21:00 GMT 2000

>But, unless I'm missing something, you still are not specifically
>checking only for exceptions as the ChangeLog indicated.

True, the code change focuses on the fact that PeekNamedPipe
never works (always fails with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) when used
with the write end of a pipe (the /dev/pipew handle does
not have GENERIC_READ access).

My ChangeLog entry reflected more the circumstances of my
test case (sel.c):

	#include <sys/select.h>

 	   int n;
	    struct timeval timeout;
	    fd_set fde;

	    FD_SET(1, &fde);
	    timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0;

	    n = select(16, NULL, NULL, &fde, &timeout);
	    printf("n = %d\n", n);

Which runs as:

% sel.exe | cat
n = 1

And, it thinks there is an error on stdout.

Sorry, I didn't intend to be misleading.  My understanding of
Cygwin always tends to be myopic.


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