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doxygen Notes (was: Re: Moving on from Cygwin)

On 27/06/18 11:14, Michael Wild wrote:
For me the following orphaned packages are of importance (not all of
them David's):

* doxygen

If nobody else steps up, I can adopt one or the other.

Some notes on 'doxygen' that might help you (or someone else) maintain the package:

doxygen is split into two packages: the main programme in 'doxygen', and the 'doxywizard' GUI in 'doxygen-doxywizard'. It GUI icon used for doxywizard is borrowed from the Fedora package and is part of kdesdk.

New doxygen releases are put out upstream once or twice a year (pay attention around Christmas Day!) [1]. Between releases, it's worth checking the patches that get applied to doxygen in a major distro, e.g [2], and pick up any that you feel are important.

Doxygen has it's own C++ parser, which is quite 'loose' in its understanding of C++. It's generally OK, but I've tripped it up in the past with some complex template specialisation. Thankfully, doxygen can be built to use clang for its parsing (although you have to explicitly enable this in your doxygen file [3]). I build doxygen in this way to give users the option of a 'better' C++ parser should they need it (although I'm not aware of any major distro doing likewise).

Doxygen has an experimental feature to store its internal data in an sqlite3 database. This is turned off, and I'm not aware of any major distro enabling this feature.

Doxygen fails to compile under 64-bit Cygwin with the default CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS as populated by cygport. The compilation fails in the assembler with 'too many sections'. The solution is to suppress the generation of the 'debuginfo' package for 64-bit, and then the compilation completes successfully. This doesn't affect 32-bit Cygwin, where a 'debuginfo' package is generated.

Hope that helps,


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