RFC: [ITP] Installation Profiles packages

Igor Pechtchanski pechtcha@cs.nyu.edu
Tue Nov 8 18:52:00 GMT 2005

As the latest installment in the recent series of major "D'oh!"s, I
realized that the installation profiles I previously proposed for setup
could be initially implemented as special packages with the right
dependences.  This still doesn't absolve us from adding some more
sophisticated support for these in setup (e.g., communicating the user
prerefence about creating desktop icons to them), but it's a start, and
it'll cut down on the "I installed Cygwin, so how come gcc doesn't work"
(and the much more annoying "just install everything, it's only 2 gigs"
answers to those).

IMO, these packages should be in a special new category (I propose the
name "@Profiles" to make setup put this at the top, but I don't know if
setup will parse this correctly).  I've attached a few sample profile
packages for commonly requested configurations with the corresponding
setup.hints.  We could probably concentrate them all in one directory
(thus the '@ ...' lines at the top of the hint files).  All the .tar.bz2
files are the same empty tarball -- it's the setup.hints that are

Comments and other suggestions welcome.  Note that the attached packages
are an initial cut at defining those profiles -- I'm bound to have missed
something.  Also, I'm not proposing to maintain *all* of the profiles,
though I could maintain the ones I've attached, as there isn't too much
work involved.
      |\      _,,,---,,_		pechtcha@cs.nyu.edu
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_		igor@watson.ibm.com
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'		Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_) fL	a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-.  Meow!

If there's any real truth it's that the entire multidimensional infinity
of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. /DA
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@ XWindows
category: @Profiles
requires: cygwin xorg-x11-base X-start-menu-icons
sdesc:    "Includes packages needed to set up an X server"
ldesc:    "Profile for SSH server deployment.  The packages included in this
profile allow setting up and starting an X server on your machine.  In the
future this could include a postinstall script for creating a desktop icon,
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@ WebServer
category: @Profiles
requires: cygwin apache2
sdesc:    "Includes packages needed to set up a web server"
ldesc:    "Profile for SSH server deployment.  The packages included in this
profile allow setting up and starting a web server on your machine."
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@ SSHServer
category: @Profiles
requires: cygwin openssh
sdesc:    "Includes packages needed to set up an SSH server"
ldesc:    "Profile for SSH server deployment.  The packages included in this
profile allow setting up and starting an SSH server on your machine."
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@ LatexDevelopment
category: @Profiles
requires: cygwin tetex tetex-extra ghostscript ImageMagick
sdesc:    "Includes packages needed to build documents with LaTeX"
ldesc:    "Profile for LaTeX document development.  The packages included in
this profile allow building documents using TeX/LaTeX, limited image
conversion, as well as PostScript to PDF conversion."
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@ GCCDevelopment
category: @Profiles
requires: cygwin bash gcc make autoconf automake gdb upx
sdesc:    "Includes packages needed to build programs with GCC"
ldesc:    "Profile for GCC development.  The packages included in this profile
allow compiling programs using GCC, running 'make', debugging programs using
'gdb', and running autotools."

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