minor bug in rsync installation

Lapo Luchini lapo@lapo.it
Sat Nov 16 00:50:00 GMT 2002

Erik Larson wrote:

> It should be:
> requires: cygwin libpopt0 

Erik's right, here it is:

sdesc: "Fast remote file transfer program (can use existing data to 
minimize transfer)"
ldesc: "rsync is a file transfer program. rsync uses the 'rsync 
algorithm' which
provides a very fast method for bringing remote files into sync. It does 
this by
sending just the differences in the files across the link, without 
requiring that
both sets of files are present at one of the ends of the link beforehand."
category: Net
requires: cygwin libpopt0

Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
lapo@lapo.it (PGP & X.509 keys available)
http://www.lapo.it (ICQ UIN: 529796)

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