Updated sysvinit package available for review/upload

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Thu Nov 14 09:32:00 GMT 2002

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> Chuck, could you please comment on how we proceed now? If something
> has to be done before uploading this package, I'd like to know.

No, I managed to upload the modified cygutils package already, so 
sysvinit no longer conflicts with it.  The only issue I know of at this 
point is:

the minor confusion that might be engendered by the fact that sysvinit 
contains section 8 manpages for programs it does not supply.  (shutdown, 
halt, reboot, ) Plus, they probabaly are not correct with regards to the 
actual binaries supplied by the shutdown package.

But that's your bailiwick, Corinna, not mine.

Oh, just one other thing -- a minor stylistic issue with the 
/etc/postinstall script.  Personally, I don't like "magic morphing 
scripts" that behave differently if they are in /etc/postinstall or in 
/usr/bin.  IMO, /etc/postinstall/sysvinit.sh shouldn't copy itself to 
/usr/bin/init-config.  Instead, the parts that are actually ACTIVE when 
the script is in it's "init-config personality" should simply be 
HERE-documented into a separate script in /usr/bin.

But that's purely my opinion; others may differ.  It's definitely NOT a 


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